14th June 2014

Just saw Edge of Tomorrow.  It was very ‘edge’ of seat, funny, good concept, slightly odd ending.  SPOILER ALERT!!!

I wanted everyone to die, but then again, I usually prefer it when everyone dies.  Anyway, ‘Saving Private Robot’ meets ‘Alienhog Day’ sums it up nicely.

TOP TV:  Good Wife: solidly, continuously amazing.  Scandal: Bonkers and totally soapy, yet I’m still loving it.  The Following:  Again, bonkers…are there really THAT many serial killers in America and are serial killers the type to organise into groups?  Not sure, but still love its preposterousness. New Girl:  It took me a while to get past ZD’s kookiness with a capitol K, but I got there and by season 3, am totally in love with this show.  Mindy Project: Ah, love at first frame.  LOVE this girl, so talented, so awesome, makes me proud to be a LADY!  Girls:  Meh, and more meh.  Was I really that awful and self obsessed in my 20s? I probably was… maybe that’s why I don’t really like seeing it all again.  Of course, I never had a steady stream of monetary support or anything even remotely like a trust fund so it all makes me feel rather chippy and I want to shout at the screen GROW UP!  Parks and Rec: loved this show from the beginning, must watch TV.

Can’t wait for:  Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, new Avengers.

Still must see: 22 Jump Street, Bad Neighbors (DVD now obvs)

LB, out.



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