7th September 2011
London and the UK had a riot (or two), New York got a hurricane, and Libya continues its revolution. Meanwhile, my blog life has been superseded by my real life. From hiking up mountains with runners in light suits, to working with Jessie J, August was a busy old month.
Next week I’m back to several screenplay projects, but for now, I’m relaxing (a bit) and having a lovely staycation. And since the British summer decided to make a swift and early exit this year, the weather’s perfect for staying in. I’ll be catching up on my cinema viewing too, so watch this space for reviews.
Meanwhile, follow the link to the latest IKEA advert I worked on. As soon as the Jessie Jay track is released, I’ll pop up the link to that video as well.
Over and out. The Bix has bolted the building…
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