7th November 2013
Wow, it suddenly got dark. Really fast. Which never ceases to amaze me. It is especially noticeable this year since I’ve just returned from working in Italy, where it was sunny, ALL THE TIME. Too sunny as a matter of fact. I kind of like the green and grey of this water soaked land. Yes, I missed home while I was away. Especially fry ups and black pudding and any type of food other than Italian. Still, I discovered THE BEST coffee ever. Local to Salento. Absolutely delicious. Ordering on-line will require a better grasp of Italian and VERY deep pockets since postage will cost upwards of 30 euros. So if there are any southern Italians out there who know where I can source Quarta Coffee in London, PLEASE leave a comment on this post.
Great coffee aside. I will complete this rather sorry little post with this. THANK YOU to all of the dancers, crew and cast who worked so hard on the musical feature film ‘Holiday!’ which we just completed shooting. You were all VERY LOVELY and TALENTED and I couldn’t have created the choreography without you. Especially without the dancers and cast, because then it would have been a film of me, doing silly dancing in my kitchen. Hmm, that doesn’t sound half bad. Any takers? In a world, where a girl dances in her kitchen…. Anyway, for now, I need a rest and lots of video games. Then I’ll be back to my usual chatty (ish) self.
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